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Update, Uninstall and Restore Demo

Update Shifu Demo


Please uninstall the old version of Shifu before installing the new version of Shifu Demo.

Go to Download Shifu Demo to download the latest Shifu installer.


Shifu Demo installer will be updated when Shifu is updated.

Uninstall Shifu Demo

Make sure you are currently in the testdir folder.

Use the following command to complete the uninstallation of Shifu Demo.

sudo ./test/scripts/ delete_demo

This command will uninstall kind, kubectl, Shifu, Shifu Demo, Shifu images and Shifu Demo folder. Please use it with caution.

Restore Shifu Demo

Please make sure your docker is running first, if you are not sure whether your docker is running or not, please open Terminal and execute the following command in the command line:

sudo docker ps -a

If Docker is running smoothly, you will get the following output:

You can check the running status of the kind container with the following command.

sudo docker ps -a 

If you do not see any output, you are not running the kind container, go to Quick install to install it.

If you see Status as Up, it means your current kind container is running.

If you see Status as Exited, your current kind container is not running and you can start it with the following command.

sudo docker start kind-control-plane

Next, use the following command to see Shifu in action.

sudo kubectl get pod -n shifu-crd-system

If you get the following output, i.e. Status is Running, then Shifu is running and you can go to Try out to continue the experience.

If there is no output or your output contains error, i.e. Status is Failed, then Shifu is not running or failed to run, you can go to Quick install to install it.